March 2015

First my apologies if you have tried to phone me – seems there has been a fault on the line for the last two weeks and none of the calls have been diverted, hopefully this should be rectified in the next 24 hours. This has not affected our email, so that may be the best point of contact.
I am sure that you will have noticed that quite a few tours are fully booked – however, as we always say, it is always worth giving us your details and you will be the first person we will contact should a vacancy occur. You may also have noticed that the Pound is at really good exchange rate to the Euro at the moment; unfortunately it does not help us much as we forward buy our currency, but it makes your pounds go further when it comes to petrol, lunches and the all-important liquid refreshments. So an ideal time for touring in Europe and of course Ireland, which also uses euro’s as its currency.
I hope you are all enjoying the lighter nights and looking forward to putting the clocks forward to BST. With cold Easterly winds blowing from Russia it may not seem like summer, but at least we are heading in the right direction.
We have been over here in Tucson for a month now and although the sun does climb higher every day, Arizona is one of the states that does not advance the clocks but stays on MST or Mountain Standard Time. Their winter has been exceptionally mild here, especially compared to the rest of the USA who have had record amounts of snow. It did rain for two consecutive days at the end of January, which got everyone rather excited, as rain is always welcome in a desert environment, but mainly it is blue skies and sunshine.
Not been out riding as much as I would like, but we have been busy finalising details for our USA tour to Utah in May (see picture) – we have a good sized group and I am looking forward to making the trip. I keep thinking about getting a slightly newer bike, but the 955i Tiger apart from using a little oil is more than up to the job.
Went to a talk on ‘Riding in Mexico’ at the local BMW dealership last Sunday, it is somewhere I would really like to ride – of course much as been said in the media about drug war killings, but the speaker quite rightly pointed out that Mexico is no more dangerous than other parts of the world, you just have to use your common sense and ideally stay away from the Border towns.
Although just about everyone I know have BMW GS 1200’s I am not a boxer engine fan, but the guest speaker emphasised that this was the best bike to tour in South America on, now I could be cynical and say we were in a BMW dealership – however, he did make a very valid point that there are more BMW dealerships in South America and probably the world than any other make. I thought I would not make the point that you would probably more likely to need a dealer…. (is that gnashing of teeth and a lynch mob I hear approaching!)
Actually I am getting a little worried as I rather like the look of the BMW S1000XR, have not seen it in the flesh yet, but it looks pretty good!
Take care
PS: Won a DVD from the BMW pep talk - obviously they hold no grudge ......
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