Spain & Portugal 2014

We enjoyed a good run down to Plymouth where we boarded the Brittany ferry for Spain. It was a smooth crossing, only having to endure a quiz, Bingo and some dodgy singing in the bar before arriving in Santander. Once away from the port we made good progress to our first overnight stop south of Palencia. Here the group was complete as we met up with a few customers who had crossed overland or lived in Spain.
We were awoken next day by the sound of hooves as tens of horsemen rode down the road complete with lances, it was an impressive sight, and on checking with reception it appeared that it was the ‘El Toro de la Vega’ or local bull hunt. Not really our thing we were pleased to depart before proceedings began. Seems we were not along in our feelings and we saw on the TV at lunch break that there had been riots from animal rights protestors trying to break up the event.
As we approached Portugal, the clouds began to roll in and the storm that had been sat off the coast decided the time was right for White Rose Tours to get wet. Its timing was perfect, as just a few miles from the hotel the heavens opened and the rain was I believe the worst I have ever ridden in. What made it worse was that we had to ride upwards through a town, whose roads had effectively become a waterfall, storm drains were overflowing and sewer lids had lifted leaving gaping holes in the roads. It was a tribute to everyone’s riding ability that we all arrived safe and sound and with sense of humour in place, as someone commented on my route notes which mentioned a water feature – they wondered which one?
Thankfully the weather did improve, although on top of a mountain it is hard to tell. The following day we rode out climbing through the cloud to emerge in bright sunshine and fantastic views. Unfortunately it was still pretty windy and having parked up (in all fairness not very well) to take a photo, a crash signalled my Triumph Explorer being blown over. Fortunately these Triumphs are made of strong Chinese metal and damage was restricted to the usual lever end, indicator, bodywork and my pride. The day stayed dry, allowing us to complete our usual circuit of the Star Mountains and the terrific roads that I always look forward to riding.
It was time to leave the mountains and head for our next destination the Douro Valley, so head to foot in waterproofs; we patently waited for a lull in the rain to venture back up the mountain. This group was made of strong stuff and the offer to take the easy motorway route was declined. I am not sure they thought they had made the right decision as we entered the cloud and mist, but were soon rewarded as we dropped down back into the sunshine and dry roads.
The next few days we dodged the black clouds and enjoyed some great roads and wonderful landscapes as we rode through the vineyards of the Douro over the plains to Leon and back into the Picos de Europa. As often happens, the weather to the other side of the Picos was as different again and soon we were all peeling off clothes and complaining about the heat.
With a free day everyone went their different ways, having lost our regular hotel to a walking company (boo, hiss) we went looking for alternatives, and thanks to Craig one of our customers, also found a road we had not been on before – which was stunning. (See gallery photos).
So will we return to Portugal? You bet, and can confirm that we have already arranged a repeat of the tour, with a few tweaks for September next year. I know many of you have expressed an interest so I will get the details out as soon as possible.
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