Harz Mountains

Our tour to the Harz started unusually on a Sunday, I confess to purposely doing this so I could be at home for the Grand Depart of the Tour de France. Being on our doorstep we were able to watch most of it on the TV before rushing out to the road side to see the live action. (I have never seen police riders do high 5,s before!) I was really delighted that the weather was so good and showed the world just how beautiful the Yorkshire Dales are. If Cavendish could have stayed upright, the day would have been perfect…..
I guess being an island nation we automatically think that crossing 21 miles of water into Europe will ensure that the weather is going to be all sunshine and roses. To be honest once away from the influence of the Atlantic weather fronts it often is, but this last week showed the reverse side of things and whilst the UK basked under the sunshine, Europe was to say the least rather unsettled. Something the cycling fans amongst you may have noticed whilst watching the Belgium stages of the Tour de France.
Our destination was the Harz Mountains, Germany; having had a smooth crossing to Zeebrugge we had an easy ride in beautiful weather to our first overnight stop in the Eifel region, Germany. When I planned the route I thought I maybe should have gone a little further, but it turned out to be fortunate that I did not, as we received word from those using the Eurotunnel that a fallen power cable had severely delayed departures, eventually increasing to a point where some people were diverted to the cross channel ferry. Thankfully they all made good time, and all the group were together in time for the evening meal.
The next day was to be the start of a pattern that would stay with us all week that is blue skies and lovely sunshine followed by heavy showers and thunderstorms! On our way to the Harz we stopped at a museum and section of the remaining wire fence that separated East and West Germany. It is really hard to comprehend how such a situation could ever been allowed to take place. With a day of rain, many took a day off; going went into town or using the hotel’s Olympic size swimming pool. The next day dawned sunny and bright, and so we had a ride out to the Kyffhauser Monument, nothing special in itself, but the 37 sets of hairpins had everyone smiling and ready for their Bratwurst at the top.
I would like to spend more time in the area; we were all impressed by the number of stunning towns and villages with their half-timbered houses seemingly unchanged since being built. The landscape is very much like the Black Forest, as are the roads, which are great to ride on and in the main, pretty quiet.
On our return, we routed past the Edersee dam, one of the dams damaged in the famous 'Dambuster' raids and in doing so, found some more great biking roads whilst consuming even more bratwurst!.
Spent the last 2 nights in Boppard alongside the Rhine River. The Rhine and Mosel Valleys with their combination of picture book scenery and great biking roads are somewhere that we never tire of, and we return as often as possible.
Finally if any of you are in the market for a new sat nav, I have just bought through our trade contacts some brand new, still in the box Garmin Zumo 590 LM (life mapping) units - if you are interested I am selling them for £495 plus £10 for P&P&insurance. if there is enough interest I may be able to get some more.
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